Thank you for your patience while this site has been (mainly) offline! This week we’ll be opening up the pages again, bit by bit, with a slightly better design on some of them, a number of new features and extra content, and a re-vamp of some older stuff too. I’ll be adding a little more each day with the aim of being fully back in business by the weekend.
Anthea’s chemotherapy treatment starts on the 20th, after which it’s uncharted territory for us, but at least I’ll have to be home a lot and that gives me the chance to develop lots of exciting stuff here (well, it gets me excited, anyway) in a way that I couldn’t if I was doing lots of travelling around. One feature of the new-look site will be a weekly blog, just to keep you updated about what’s currently happening with us. It’s good to be back!
Image credits: Bookshelves: Alfons Morales on; Street scene: Image by Ch AFleks from; icons made by Freepik from
This being Easter, here’s one of my favourite poems for you – written by Scotland’s greatest poet (no, not you, Rabbie, sorry about that). William Dunbar came from my side of Scotland (the East coast) so I may be a little biased, but this is one of the best Easter poems ever. Just in case your medieval Scots is a bit rusty, I’ve supplied the meaning of some of the words on the way through. The Latin line at the end of each verse says, “The Lord has risen from the grave!”